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VOIPED TELECOM, with registered office at Calle Benlliure 2, 03530 La Nucia, in Alicante Spain , VAT registered: ESB54954664, hereinafter referred to as VOIPED.
Telephone numbers (customer service)
34 965 022 262 - General customer service
Operator service from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by voicemail, with the opening of an event in the customer relationship management system (ticket- troubling), during the remaining hours.
Email address
[email protected] - General customer service
[email protected] - for customers
Internet and other sites
Website for access to information on Products and Services: http://www.voiped.com
Customer area website: https://crdb.voiped.eu
Publicly Available Telephone Service at a Fixed Location
The Publicly Available Telephone Service at a Fixed Location (service) is a service that allows national and international calls to be made and received at a fixed location, and access to emergency services via a number or numbers included in the national telephone numbering plan (PNN). This service is associated with PNN numbering
This service may include, but is not limited to, the following services supplementary or additional facilities:
The service is carried out using SIP technology as transport and aggregated with an Internet access subject to a fixed IP restriction, in order to guarantee the geographical location of the service. The customer must access the service using equipment that implements the SIP protocol. If SIP equipment is not available, ATA-type devices or BRI or PRI gateways can be used to adapt the service to the customer's interface (analogue line, BRI or PRI). This equipment requires Internet connectivity and local power to ensure regular operation of the service.
Information on the post-paid tariffs applicable today is available at http://www.voiped.com
In the case of the Post-Paid service, an invoice is issued at the beginning of each period, which must be paid within 30 days of the date of issue of the invoice, and which includes the cost of the calls made in the previous period, minus, if applicable, the value of the calls included.
For the Pre-Paid service, a top-up gives you access for 30 days to the Pre-Paid tariff available for consultation at ww.voiped.com. In this Pre-Paid service, when you run out of credit for calls, you won't be able to make new communications until you top up again.
Pre- and post-paid services are normally offered on a monthly payment basis with no loyalty. Activation of the service starts at €15.00
The customer will be able to check their voice consumption in real time and billing information in the customer area available at https://crdb.voiped.eu They will also be able to activate or configure additional services in this customer area.
Customers can ask VOIPED to include their number in the Universal Service Information Service and Directories.
By subscribing to the VOIPED service, the customer will be able to keep their fixed number. VOIPED will handle the entire process in accordance with the regulations, without any additional costs or inconvenience.
During the process, the customer will be notified by telephone or message - to the mobile phone number mentioned when signing up for the services, which serves as a means of contact and which the customer agrees to keep up to date - of the progress of the request. If there are no technical difficulties, portability takes at least 2 working days from the time VOIPED sends your portability request to your current provider.
This is usually the next working day following receipt of the correct documentation to support portability. Number portability costs €20.00.
The nomadic Public Access Telephone Service (Service) is a service that allows national and international calls to be made and received at a nomadic location, and access to emergency services (without the possibility of geographical location information) via a number or numbers included in the national telephone numbering plan (PNN).
This Service may include, but is not limited to, the following supplementary services or additional facilities:
The service is provided using SIP technology as transport over an Internet access from any operator. The customer must access the service using equipment that implements the SIP protocol. If SIP equipment is not available, ATA-type devices or BRI or PRI gateways can be used to adapt the service to the client's interface (analogue line, BRI or PRI). This equipment requires Internet connectivity and local power to ensure regular operation of the service.
Information on the pre-paid and post-paid tariffs applicable at the time is available at http://www.VOIPED.com. These public services are normally offered without loyalty.
Activation of the service starts at €15.00
For the Post-Paid service, an invoice is issued at the beginning of each period, which must be paid within 30 days of the date of issue of the invoice, and which includes the cost of calls made in the previous period, minus, if applicable, the value of calls included.
For the Pre-Paid service, a top-up gives access for 30 days to the Pre-Paid tariff available for consultation at www.voiped.com. In this Pre-Paid service, when the credit for calls is used up, it will not be possible to make new communications until a new top-up is made.
Customers can check their real-time voice consumption and billing information in the customer area available at https://crdb.voiped.eu They can also activate or configure additional services in this customer area.
Customers can ask VOIPED to include their number in the Universal Service Information Service and Directories.
VOIPED does not provide operator services or directory enquiry services. The nomadic voice service provided by VOIPED does not support pre-selection calls.
By subscribing to the VOIPED service, the customer will be able to keep their fixed number. VOIPED will handle the entire process in accordance with the regulations, without any additional costs or inconvenience. During the process, the customer will be notified by telephone or message - to the mobile phone number mentioned when signing up for the services, which serves as a means of contact and which the customer agrees to keep up to date - of the progress of the request. If there are no technical difficulties, portability takes at least 2 working days from the time VOIPED sends your portability request to your current provider. This is usually the next working day following receipt of the correct documentation to support portability.
Number portability costs €20.00
Access to the 112 and 117 emergency services is guaranteed by the platform. However, if the service is supported by SIP technology, it may be subject to the availability of Internet connectivity at that time.
The use of fixed telephone numbers (STF), numbers beginning with 2, is subject to the guarantee of geographical location when the service is made available. If this geographical location cannot be guaranteed, the service will have to be made available with nomadic numbering (STN).
Activation of fixed voice services is dependent on there being no connections on the RITA/ITED network at the installation address indicated by the customer, to telephone networks used by other operators to provide voice services, and the existence of electricity and internet connectivity at the customer's location.
The fixed voice service provided by VOIPED does not support pre-selection calls.
For international calls, VOIPED reserves the right to apply barring for certain destinations and/or value-added numbers.
Access to Audiotext Services is barred by default.
The service provided under the contract must only be used for its intended purpose, and the customer undertakes to use the service in accordance with the regulated and agreed operating conditions and is responsible for its proper and timely fulfilment. The customer undertakes not to use, or allow third parties to use, the service for any purpose contrary to the law, namely to send unsolicited messages (SPAM), or for computer crime, or in an abusive manner, namely by giving indiscriminate or massive access to third parties, with or without consideration.
In order to access its services, VOIPED provides the customer with their own identification (‘username’ or ‘login’) and a personal access code (‘password’) to guarantee the legitimacy and confidentiality of access. VOIPED provides services that allow the customer to modify their personal access code on their own initiative, in complete confidentiality. The customer must keep the personal access code confidential. VOIPED cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the Internet network by third parties as a result of misuse of the customer's identity.
Under no circumstances may the service be used in such a way as to jeopardise the security of the network or its proper functioning, or to route traffic for commercial purposes to another operator or provider of electronic communications services.
It is also forbidden to use the network for commercial purposes.
Under no circumstances may the service be used in such a way as to jeopardise the security of the network or its proper functioning, or to route traffic for commercial purposes to another operator or provider of electronic communications services.
Likewise, the service may not be used for commercial purposes with equipment that does not comply with ICP-ANACOM's determinations.
Information on tariffs is available at www.voiped.com
Information on the price of installation is available on the Subscription Form and on the VOIPED website. If the contracted service cannot be provided under the conditions subscribed to by the customer, the customer may request cancellation of the contract and reimbursement of any amounts paid at the time of subscription. With regard to reinstating the service: this involves subscribing to a new service in accordance with the conditions of the offer in force at the time.
A change to a lower tariff is only possible without penalty after the end of the minimum contractual period in force.
The provision of voice communication services is subject to a Responsible Use Policy. In order to guarantee the provision of a quality service to all its customers, VOIPED has defined a Responsible Use Policy applicable to calls to national fixed networks, included in the "unlimited for the fixed network" tariffs, which establishes a maximum usage of 1000 minutes per month.
Within the scope of this policy, VOIPED reserves the right to inform the customer of this fact and to renegotiate new contractual conditions by mutual agreement or to invoice calls made beyond this maximum usage, at the price of 1.6 cents per minute (excluding VAT).
In the provision of voice services to its customers associated with tariffs that include a value for included calls in the monthly service fee, only calls belonging to traffic owned by Voiped count as eligible for this inclusion.
During portability, a maximum period of 3 hours is defined, corresponding to the so-called portability window defined in ANACOM's portability regulations, during which a service interruption can occur. If, after portability, the number remains without telephone service, and in accordance with the Portability Regulation, the customer will be entitled to compensation totalling €20.00 per number and for each day of interruption, up to a maximum of €100.00 per portability request. This compensation will be paid by crediting the customer's bill.
VOIPED will not be able to activate the service when the technical conditions for this are not met, namely when there is no technical coverage or when the support infrastructure does not allow the service to be provided correctly. After the tests and if it is impossible to provide the service correctly, VOIPED will inform the customer of this impossibility within a maximum of 5 days.
In these situations, VOIPED will reimburse the amount spent on the purchase of the respective products and/or equipment needed to use the service, after the customer has returned them, which must take place within 14 days of being informed by VOIPED of the impossibility of activating the service.
The contractual conditions are available at: https://www.voiped.com/es/terminos-y-condiciones/
Use of the services always presupposes full knowledge of the contractual conditions and their acceptance by the customer, as well as the delivery of the duly completed and signed Subscription Form or the provision to VOIPED of the data required therein, by telephone or other means made available by VOIPED.
In the case of telephone or non-face-to-face subscriptions, VOIPED will provide the contract and the respective conditions for the provision of the service, and the contract will be considered to have been concluded when the customer unequivocally adheres to the clauses proposed by VOIPED.
The request for portability of telephone numbers to VOIPED, in accordance with ANACOM's Portability Regulation, must be accompanied by a contractual complaint to the current FTS/STN provider, by filling in the joint form and must be accompanied by a copy of the document proving the conformity of the signature (Citizen's Card, Identity Card, Residence Permit or Passport). In the case of a legal person, a document proving the signatory's capacity to represent the legal person must be submitted, namely by providing the access code to the Permanent Certificate available on the Justice Portal.
Once the minimum contractual period (loyalty period) has elapsed, the customer may freely terminate the contract by sending written notice at least 15 days before the date on which it takes effect.
The customer can obtain information on the end date of the loyalty period in the online information on the contract, available in the customer area at https://crdb.voiped.eu
This procedure for terminating contracts on the initiative of subscribers follows the recommendations of the ICP-ANACOM Management Board decision of 9 March 2012.
The charges for early termination of the contract with a loyalty period, at the customer's initiative, are proportional in time to the advantage conferred: offers or reductions in activation, and costs associated with offers of any terminal equipment, or other offers known to and agreed to by the customer.
The customer will also have to return to VOIPED all the equipment assigned on a rental basis, or the customer will have to pay for it at the prices of equivalent equipment.
The provision of services is governed by Portuguese law and, in particular, by the provisions of Law no. 51/2011 of 13 September. Without prejudice to recourse to alternative dispute resolution bodies, the courts and bodies responsible for the defence and promotion of consumer rights, the customer may complain to VOIPED about acts or omissions which it considers to be in breach of these terms and conditions and the membership contract, and must do so, under penalty of forfeiture of the right, in writing and within 30 days of becoming aware of the fact, VOIPED being obliged to analyse the complaints and inform the customer in writing of its decision, within the same period, following their submission.
Any complaint may be submitted in writing, addressed to the address of the head office for the attention of "Customer Management and Complaints", and must expressly state that it is a complaint.
In the event of a dispute, the consumer may have recourse to a
Alternative Dispute Resolution: CNIACC - Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo Faculty of Law, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Campolide Campus 1099-032 Lisboa www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org
Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre: Rua dos Douradores, 116, 2º 1100-207 Lisbon www.centroarbitragemlisboa.pt
Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre of the Autonomous Region of Madeira Rua da Figueira Preta, nº 10, 3º andar 9050-014 Funchal www.srrh.gov-madeira.pt/cacc
Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre Rua Damião de Góis, 31 - Loja 6 4050-225 Porto www.cicap.pt
Vale do Ave Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre Rua Capitão Alfredo Guimarães, nº 1 4800-019 Guimarães www.triave.pt
More information on the Consumer Portal - www.consumidor.pt
Plataforma Eletrónica de Litígios em Linha (RLL) A Comissão Europeia criou a plataforma de RLL https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home. show&lng=PT para resolução alternativa de litígios entre consumidores e comerciantes, relativos a contratos de venda ou de serviços em linha.
Está definido “Contrato de venda ou de serviços em linha" como um contrato de venda ou de serviços em que o comerciante, ou o seu intermediário, oferece, num sítio web ou através de outros meios eletrónicos, bens ou serviços que o consumidor encomenda no mesmo sítio web ou através de outros meios eletrónicos (Regulamento (UE) nº 524/2013 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 21 de maio de 2013)
The information presented in this page is provided by VOIPED in compliance with the decision of ICP-ANACOM, on the 12th of December 2013, concerning the “disclosure to public by companies that offer public communication networks or electronic communication services accessible to public, security violations or loss of integrity occurred on their networks and services”.